Hyundai Tucson (2020 - 2022) Expert & Comparison Reviews

Explore a comprehensive collection of in-depth Tucson (2020 - 2022) car reviews. We've curated reviews from our trusted experts, offering unbiased analyses that dissect performance, technology, comfort, safety, and more. By exploring these Hyundai Tucson (2020 - 2022) reviews 2024 and competitor comparisons, you'll gain a well-rounded understanding of the Model's strengths and weaknesses, allowing you to see how it truly stacks up against the competition. Ultimately, this empowers you to decide if the Tucson (2020 - 2022) is the perfect fit for your driving needs and lifestyle.

₹22.69 - ₹27.47 lakh*

*Last Recorded Ex-showroom Price


Hyundai Tucson (2020 - 2022) has been discontinued and the car is out of production
Body Type
13.08 - 15.59 kmpl
1995 - 1999 cc
Petrol, Diesel
Fuel Type
5 Seater
Seat Capacity
Hyundai Tucson (2020 - 2022) Competitors
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